On 18 February 2023 the Kentucky Wounded Heroes held their 4th Annual Wild Game Dinner at Alltech Arena in Lexington, KY. Over 500 guests enjoyed a wide variety of wild game, fellowship, entertainment, and participation in a live auction. A big shout out goes to the many volunteers who made this event possible, including the expert cooks who labored from 0600 till 1600, local high school students who provided the Color Guard, served food and drinks, and helped with clean up. We also owe a huge thanks to every person and business that provided items for the auctions, donors, the Silver and Gold sponsors, the many volunteers, KWH staff, Joe Blaylock and Austin Dennis for entertaining us through dinner, and Joe for singing the National Anthem. And a very big thank you to all who came out to not only enjoy a delicious meal, but offer support for the Kentucky Wounded Heroes. Photos of the event may be viewed here.